Air pollution in Cairo

Publié le 2 juillet 2018 Mis à jour le 1 février 2019

For the first time, the project POLCAIR (Air pollution in Greater Cairo) will connect data on levels and sources of air pollution to local and regional health data by bringing together the air pollution and health scientific communities from Egypt, France and Lebanon. This project is in line with the draft road map of the 69th World Health General Assembly (May 2016) and completes and extends the recent initiatives over the Mediterranean Basin like MISTRALS/ChArMEx, TRANSEMED and ARCHIMEDES. At the end, POLCAIR will provide a reliable scientific basis to decision?makers in order to mitigate pollution levels and develop appropriate management programs and policies at the regional and levels, particularly aiming to reduce associated health risks.

PI POLCAIR : A. Borbon (LaMP), C. Afif (USJ, Lebanon), A. Wheida (NRC, Egypt)